Friday, January 27, 2012

I love you!

Sure Valentine's Day is next month,

but there is no time like the present to say "I love you" to those you care about. :)

Afrikaans - Ek is lief vir jou!
Creole - Mi aime jou!
French - Je t'aime!
German - Ich liebe dich!
Greek - S'ayapo!
Italian - Ti amo!
Mandarin - Wo ai ni!
Norwegian - Jeg elsker deg!
Spanish - Te amo!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Al Williams - Musician

I am so happy to report that this wonderful musician performs many Sundays at my place of worship.

Check out his web site and if you are so inclined, please support his talents by attending a future concert or buying a CD! :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

God’s Guidance

This excerpt is from my favorite devotional book called
HUGS Daily Inspirations Words of Comfort
A Howard Books product: ISBN – 978-1-4165-4181-3

The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Psalm 37:23 NLT

God is intensely interested in your life, your faith, and your future. And He will guide your steps if you let Him. When you sincerely offer heartfelt prayers to your heavenly Father, He will give direction and meaning to your life. If you humbly seek His will, He will touch your heart and lead you on the path of His choosing.

Will you trust God to guide your steps? When you entrust your life to Him completely and without reservation, God will give you the strength to meet any challenge, the courage to face any trial, and the wisdom to live in His righteousness and in His peace. So trust Him today and seek His guidance. When you do, you can take each step with faith and confidence.

A spiritual discipline is necessary in order to move slowly from an absurd to an obedient life, from a life filled with noisy worries to a life in which there is some free inner space where we can listen to our God and follow His guidance. – Henri Nouwen

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Aunt Sadie’s Rosemary scented candle

Photos taken by me - copyright Jan. 2012.

Over the recent holidays, a friend gave me an Aunt Sadie’s Rosemary scented candle purchased from this store .

The candle continues to offer a wonderful aroma each time I light it and I am really looking forward to visiting Bella Funk and New Hampshire one day!

Bonus: I found this poem about candle light recently:


A candle's but a little thing --

It starts with just a bit of string.

Yet clipped and dipped with patient hand,

It gathers wax upon the strand.

Until, complete and snowy white,

It gives at last a lovely light.

Life seems so like that bit of string --

Each deed we do, a simple thing.

Yet day by day, if on life's strand,

We work with patient heart and hand,

It gathers joy, makes dark days bright,

And gives at last a lovely light.

- Author unknown.

May 2012 offer wonderful opportunities for you!