Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter Sunday from Nashville!

Blessings from our King - Photo by Laura Moody.

Today was spent with family. We enjoyed each other's company and praised our Risen Lord Jesus in our hearts, minds and souls for his never-ending grace and mercy upon us. 

Very thankful for shelter, nourishment, health, music, creativity, love and joy!
Peace - Laura


Friday, March 25, 2016

Good Friday at Work! :)

Photo taken by Laura Moody, Nashville, TN - 3/25/2016

Wishing you a super holiday weekend! 

Jesus is the reason for EVERY season. He died on a cross and was buried. He rose from the dead on the third day, appearing to his disciples.

Mark 16 of the Holy Bible tells this part of His Story.

Jesus is Lord, even over death itself. 
Praise the Living King - Ruler over Everything!


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Happiness Quote from Franklin D. Roosevelt

Brilliant palm tree - themed silverware display! 

Happiness is not in the mere possession of money: 
it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. 
- Franklin D. Roosevelt


Saturday, March 19, 2016

Sunday, March 13, 2016

The "Party" Would Not Be The Same Without You!

UPcycled Paper Collage Art by Laura Moody, Nashville, TN.

Jesus made you for a reason - 
to experience LIFE with those He places around you. 


Rose of Sharon Silhouettes - March 13, 2016

Foggy Start to a Brand New Day!

Both images taken by Laura Moody, Nashville, TN.


Sunday, March 6, 2016

Today's Creation - Made With Love!

Paper Collage Art and Photo by Christian Artist Laura Moody, Nashville, TN

The colorful cursive words on the UPcycled strips of paper above
are available to all. 
A relationship with Jesus allows these things to transpire. 
Our Lord's timing is perfect. Trust in Him!


Quilt as a Metaphor of One's Journey Here...

Heart Quilt Photograph

One of my FB friends recently shared this image of a classic colorful quilt. It reminds me of my grandmother's creations, especially the log cabin quilt she made for me decades ago. That one did not feature hearts but had the same beautiful strips of fabric aligned "just so" in order to make a design unlike any other: unique, attractive and endlessly interesting. 

Isn't that just like how Jesus works in our lives?  Every day he helps us rid ourselves of the characteristics that are not fruitful and replaces them with attributes that benefit not just us but those individuals we meet once or many times. Each one of us has a role here in this time frame. Jesus is in the habit of creating wonderful people for His purposes. All are born to know Him, many will go on to live forever with Him. 

The journey inbetween is an intricate and often complex design of our Lord and Savior's grand plan. We may not always understand, but He does and that is what really matters. Glory to God who touches our lives, allowing us to rely on his power and strength daily if we only call on his wonderful Holy name! 
Thank you Jesus!
