Monday, October 21, 2013

Love Quotes from Baci

I admit it! I enjoy chocolate more than I should. I try to only have 2 small pieces each day, usually in the morning.
Trader Joe’s grocery store has the best price on organic chocolate bars in the area. Mahalo bars and Green and Black’s Organic bars are also good choices, when on sale, from Whole Foods grocery.
In years past I used to enjoy Baci chocolates. What makes their packaging unique is that they include a positive quote, often about love, in each chocolate’s wrapper. It is written not only in English, but also in other languages, such as Italian, Greek, and Spanish. 

Here are a few quotes that I thought you might enjoy.
  • Be lovable if you want to be loved. – Ovidio
  • A loving heart is forever young. – Proverbio Greco
  • Love dictates, but a kiss writes the secrets of the heart. – Anonimo
  • Love, love, all the rest is nothing. – La Fontaine
  • Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind… - William Shakespeare

Have a fantastic day filled with peace and joy!
<>< Laura

Photo above is of one of my recent paintings. Original design by Laura Moody, copyright 2013.