Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Patient Heal Thyself by Jordan Rubin

Dear Friends – Life is challenging enough without having to worry about our health constantly! Please take some tips from Jordan Rubin, founder of Garden of Life, and author of 3 books on restorative health.

I am reading Patient Heal Thyself and it offers clear explanation as to why our bodies have trouble functioning well, especially when we do not feed ourselves nutrients that are regularly absent from our modern diets.
His company Garden of Life offers several food supplement products and in particular, the grocery store Whole Foods carries them if you wish to secure them from a store location versus an online web site.
Please check out this Amazon review site to learn more about his text Patient Heal Thyself and its important dietary information.
Reading Patient Heal Thyself has been a wonderful source. I now know more details on how to treat my body right. We only get one of these and discovering preventative efforts to keep it healthy is a prudent endeavor!
Have a great week! <>< Laura

Monday, July 7, 2014

Very Soft Knit Hats for Sale! $20 each.

I know, I know, it is the middle of summer, 
but I have made some very nice knit hats and they are for sale!

My customers love them because...
1) The finished product is very soft!
2) The hat covers the ears when on!
3) The yarn comes in attractive colors. :)

They make great gifts for family, friends and co-workers!
Click on the COZY KNIT HATS tab above for more photos and details.

Note: If you are living in or visiting the city of Leesburg, VA, 
stop by the store Books and Other Found Things
My very soft knit hats are for sale there too. :)
Thank you for your support! Laura


Thursday, July 3, 2014

Happy July 4th! - The Pledge of Allegiance

At church last week we watched a Ben Carson video -

One of my favorite parts of his speech is when he states to the college students that what he has to say will not be politically correct! That made me smile. :)

I include the web site address so that those of you who receive my posts via e-mail will receive it.* When you visit my blog web site, you will see the video present and you just have to click the arrow button in the middle of it to start the presentation.

As I continued to listen to Ben Carson's speech, it occurred to me that children today probably have no idea what the Pledge of Allegiance is. When I was a child, I attended public school. Each morning, at the beginning of the announcements, the students and teacher would all stand and face the American flag that was hanging in the room and then say out loud the words to The Pledge of Allegiance. I wanted to type them here in my blog in case it will be new information to some readers. 
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Here is a link with more information on the topic:

Wishing you a lovely holiday weekend! Peace - Laura

Photo of Perennial Red Hibiscus flowers taken by Laura Moody.
* To receive my posts in your e-mail inbox, insert your e-mail address in the text box, on the right side of my blog site. It is located below the list of Popular Posts on my site.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Limes and Laughter (Thank you Jesus!)

Our Lord Jesus enjoys blessing His children and watching them grow as we learn more and more about Him. I am quite sure on many occasions our reactions are downright funny and endearing to Him as He interacts with us, allowing us to see what He needs us to understand. Our Savior and Creator takes pleasure in being our Shepherd and we just have to learn to be his sheep, enjoying our lives and depending and trusting in Him for everything. 

Let me repeat  that – Trust in God for everything!

He knows our needs before we do and has a marvelous plan for our lives, both in the present and the future! We just have to learn to “sit back and enjoy the ride” as a Christian acquaintance told me once. For sure, our every concern is addressed. He loves us that much! Every detail of our life has already been noted. I fully recognize how hard this is to comprehend and remember regularly. Our lives are filled with distractions and often we are led to believe that we are the ones in control of so many aspects of them. I am sure that is why Christians are encouraged to read the Bible daily and to place Bible verses on post-its or index cards and review them often. We should never forget that God is in control of every minute of every day. He rules of course! He knows when we need protection and He knows when we need a good laugh. Our Lord knows when to share more information with us and when to keep our minds active. In spite of it all, our hearts should be filled with joy! Our walk with the Lord is one of faith building and endurance with, believe it or not, a lot of rest thrown in the mix! God does not need our assistance but out of reverence for our Savior we offer ourselves to Him and he uses us to affect others in a positive ways, which ultimately point our fellow men and women towards having a relationship with Christ.
On my refrigerator is a piece of paper with Psalm 32:8 written on it: “I will instruct you and guide you along the best pathway for your life; I will advise you and watch your progress.” I review it each time I open its doors.

The other day when I opened the frig, I discovered an old lime that had never been thrown away. It was hard and brown and you could see that the rind had molded to the shape of the citrus sections inside it. I had to laugh when I saw it because I had written “Hi”, “Hola” and “Bonjour” on the outside of it as a stress reliever when I worked at a large company. The penned words still remained and it was a wonderful reminder of how far I have come on the road to good health and learning to live free as God intended. So I thank my Lord for allowing me to see the lime again. The photo above captures it as it currently appears. The lime is stronger now, its skin tougher and I would say that those words describe me these days too. We all grow stronger with the Lord in our lives. He is our rock, our salvation and our strength in times of need. He is our reason for joy! For those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior with honesty and truth of heart, His amazing Holy Spirit will be deposited and offer you comfort and guidance all the rest of your days!
So to finish up the lime story, I visited a retail store a week or so after I discovered the lime. As I perused the aisles of packaged foodstuff, I saw a Numi Tea box with an image of a whole bowl of dried limes on its front. That certainly made me smile! 

When I brought the box to the register for purchase, it inspired conversation between myself and the cashier. She said that she drank the product often in her home country of Iran but had never tried the boxed tea. If I see her again, I will have to give her my positive review and use its analogy to share how God has worked in my life. :)

Wishing you a fantastic day filled with amazing blessings! Jesus loves you!


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Beautiful quote by Mother Teresa

"We are all pencils in the hand of a writing God,
who is sending love letters to the world." - Mother Teresa
Wishing you a fantastic day filled with much joy and laughter!
Love, Laura
Photo taken by Laura Moody.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

She Sells Seashells...

Linda really does! She is the co-owner of Persnickety Palm, in Leesburg, VA. We had a very interesting conversation recently about wholesale seashells and those very large clam shells that are often seen only in luxury Caribbean resorts.

I told her about my brief encounter with Lord Glenconner 16 years ago when visiting the island of St. Lucia. He had several large shells on his property at that time, which was adjacent to the Jalousie Hilton Resort and Spa. The above photo from my 1998 visit features his bungalows and pet. Aren't the dangling orchids amazing?! Do you see the bananas on the left? Could be Eden :).

St. Lucia was also full of palm trees which leads me back to Linda's store. Click on her web site link below or make a visit in person to her shop Persnickety Palm! She sells beautiful jewelry, clothing, art and even keepsake shell boxes.

Here is a link to an Architectural Digest article about Lord Glenconner which features more recent photographs of his property.

May our wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ create many opportunities for you to travel the globe, meet others and enjoy the extraordinary scenery!

<>< Love, Laura <><

Photo taken by Laura Moody, St. Lucia, Oct. 1998.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Whom My Soul Loveth

I give this book "Whom My Soul Loveth" two thumbs up!
A wonderful love story - I laughed. I cried. I enjoyed the plot tremendously!
The author Nada Jabbour Hatem has a Facebook page
and her novel may also be purchased through Barnes and Noble.
Enjoy and Happy Spring!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Audio Bible!

An audio Bible might be a wonderful addition to your daily studying of God's Word.
More information is on this web site -
Wishing you a day of peace and much joy!
<>< Laura

Photo taken by Laura at Fountain Head Park. Do you see the heart on the weathervane?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Psalm 46:10

Psalm 46:10 - New International Version (NIV)
10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.”
Jesus has a plan for your life, one unique to you.
His deepest desire is to reveal to you how much he loves you and to shower you with blessings.
However, you must seek to know him, our Lord and Savior.
Trust Him with your life.
Honor Him with your words and actions.
He will reveal a wonderful life to you, His child.
If you don't know Jesus yet, take time now to review the Gospel in a Nutshell verbiage in the right column of this web site.
Pray to the Lord and tell him that you are sorry for being a sinner and that you want to be made new. Tell him that you understand that God sent Jesus to die on a cross for the world's sin and that you want to know the wonderful God that could care enough to make that sacrifice for us. 
Read the Holy Bible and attend a Bible based Christian church.
Your life will be changed forever!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Talking Stars: The Star of Bethlehem and The Gift of Acabar


Last month our church group watched the video featured on this web site -

I highly recommend it! The web site features some of Rick Larson’s research.  

Here is the excerpt where he discusses stars and Psalm 19 :

"Several striking passages on this issue were written by David, son of Jesse. David is a towering Biblical figure. A fierce warrior, a revered king who was himself deeply reverent. Highly intelligent and wonderfully poetic, he wrote much of the Book of Psalms and some of the most beautiful passages of scripture. Among these is Psalm 19, where David extols God’s handiwork in the stars. But he doesn’t only extol, he tells us that the stars bear a message.

Watch his choice of verbs [emphasis added]:
1 …The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. 3 There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. 4 Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world…— Psalm 19:1–4
David chose verb after verb which says that the stars communicate. An intriguing passage. But isn’t it just poetry? Isn’t David just speaking with a poet’s elegant symbolism?
The apostle Paul didn’t think so."

The reason this is magnificent and significant to me is that I had just finished reading a book by Og Mandino called "The Gift of Acabar". It mentioned that stars talk too.
I never considered that before now... but it sure makes sense that all things created by our Lord and Savior would be able to communicate in order to give God the glory he deserves. Hallelujah!!!

Wishing you peace and joy this day! <>< Laura