Last month our church group watched the video
featured on this web site -
I highly recommend it! The web site features some
of Rick Larson’s research.
Here is the excerpt where he discusses stars and Psalm 19 :
"Several striking passages on this issue were written by David, son of Jesse. David is a towering Biblical figure. A fierce warrior, a revered king who was himself deeply reverent. Highly intelligent and wonderfully poetic, he wrote much of the Book of Psalms and some of the most beautiful passages of scripture. Among these is Psalm 19, where David extols God’s handiwork in the stars. But he doesn’t only extol, he tells us that the stars bear a message.
Watch his choice of verbs [emphasis added]:
1 …The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of
his hands. 2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they
display knowledge. 3 There is no speech or language where their voice is not
heard. 4 Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of
the world…— Psalm 19:1–4
David chose verb after verb which says that the
stars communicate. An intriguing passage. But isn’t it just poetry? Isn’t David
just speaking with a poet’s elegant symbolism?
The apostle Paul didn’t think so."
The reason this is magnificent and significant to me is that I had just finished reading a book by Og Mandino called "The Gift of Acabar". It mentioned that stars talk too.
I never considered that before now... but it sure
makes sense that all things created by our Lord and Savior would be able
to communicate in order to give God the glory he deserves. Hallelujah!!!
Wishing you peace and joy this day! <>< Laura