Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Og Mandino – Have you ever read his books?

Be sure to search for his name on the web. His organization has a wonderful web site and it is chock full of positive information to assist us in this journey called Life!

One thought featured in his book called “The Greatest Salesman in the World” is “I will be master of my emotions.” While it is so important to put on your best face in spite of circumstances, I also believe that it is so very necessary to give yourself time to experience and take in what has just been divulged, what you must be forced to accept, what you have just learned that caught you off guard in a positive or negative way.

(Notice that I say positive or negative… as surely either could have consequences.)

I received some sad news today and lickety-split my synapses went into overdrive. I went down the path of imagining what might happen next, what choices I should make and when. These are all good things to consider, but they were absolutely an immediate reaction to the news. As the day ended and I had time to wind down, I realized that perhaps those morning thoughts ought to be cornered for a spell…not an eternity mind you, but just tabled for the short term.

Above all, praying must occur before any actions take place. Living in the moment, making decisions at the drop of a hat, certainly those times happen, but I am reminded that God loves people and has a plan for each of our lives. He wants what is best for us, irrespective of what might seem like daunting circumstances. Asking for His guidance is prudent and leads to more time spent in peace than otherwise. His will shall always be done and I trust that those who love God will be lead where He sees fit!