Friday, November 19, 2010

Soft Landing in Spite of His Choice

My domestic cat Scooter is an adventurer. He likes to explore, whether it be out back taking a tour of the mini-forest or in my own kitchen, jumping right in the thick of my dishwashing, which translates to always visiting the inside of the dishwasher before it is completely full.

Recently I purchased a power washer for some yard maintenance. It’s a nice useful tool that came in a decent size box that of course, has lived in my kitchen since it came home with me.

One night, I woke up half way through my sleep cycle and was parched. I went downstairs to pour a glass of water. While at the frig, I hear a small meow coming from an unfamiliar place. Scooter had fallen into the power washer box and landed on the bedding that I had precariously placed on its edge when I was doing laundry earlier that evening.

He looked up, rather sleepily and seemed to be trying to explain that he was stuck, but looked very comfortable in spite of his circumstances.

I thought to myself, isn’t that just like God and His plans for us? Even though we may make choices that seem like good ideas at the time, there is always the chance of them back-firing and having consequences we had not considered. And yet, there is our loving Father, catching us when we fall and providing comfort in the thick of the mess. All we have to do is Thank Him and wait for His Will and guidance to lead us back on track.

I was happy to lift Scooter out of the box and place him on a chair, but do you know that he rather liked it in there after all? He had climbed back in after I left the kitchen and of course could not get out when I came back. Silly kitty! So I rescued him again and put the box in a different place.

As humans, I hope it will not take most of us too long to learn from our initial mistakes. Repeating the same destructive or unwise patterns over and over again is not only a waste of precious time, but it does not allow us to grow as quickly and successfully as we could or should. God wants so much for His followers to live full, productive and fruitful lives. We would do well to heed life’s lessons and respond with vigor and grace, rising from our transgressions and morphing into more learned individuals.

I am so glad to be living in the day and age of blogging! It is wonderful to be able to share stories. The re–telling of events often helps others to recognize better choices in their own lives. Blessings occur for both the storyteller and the recipient. I hope you live well, have many adventures and become very, very wise!